
Showing posts from 2023

4 tips for starting a new season

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes It’s the 1st of September… Happy New Month! Just like the blog title states, I will be sharing some tips on how to start a new season and maintain a positive attitude throughout.By new season I am referring to: a new month, new age, new year, new place, new venture, new job, new relationship etc. Anything which signifies the start of something significant to you.  These are tips I have compiled from my own life experience; I know some of them are backed by psychological research findings. I will find them and add these facts for evidence in a follow-up post when I get the chance to. I will be sharing 4 tips or attitudes you should start your new season with. These 4 tips are best put into practice with all the ‘vim’ that you can muster.  Vim /vɪm/ is a noun and informal term meaning energy and enthusiasm. I like the way the word ‘vim’ is used by young people in Ghana where I hail from. I think about how my family and friends commend, ...

Dear Singleton...Part 4

Enjoy the season Estimated reading time: 2 minutes I promise this will be one of my shortest blog posts ever! But before I get into it, this August the blog Intraordinary Life turns 8 and I turn a year older. YIPEEE! I'm celebrating right here as I type. Celebrating this anniversary, it will be a low-key affair but watch out for my announcement of a live talk event on my IG @thisisintraordinary Now let's get into the topic. 1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: ... 9 What do workers gain from their toil?  10 I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race.  11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet[ a ] no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.  12 I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live.  13 That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of G...

Dear Singleton...Part 3

Meditate on the lovely Estimated reading time: 3 minutes  And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Philippians 4:8 New Living Translation (NLT) The scripture verse above is my inspiration for this post but does not reflect the reality of life for everyone, even those belonging to the Christian faith. As an average human being living in this world, life will give you plenty to worry about, vex about and despair about. So where do you find the motivation to even reflect on the pleasant things in life? Let me tell you a little about my reality this week. This past week was stressful for me. Not only was it stressful but was also discouraging. Each passing day, I wanted to quit the temporary job I have been blessed with. I felt like it was beyond my skillset especially because I had to adjust my character to be soft an...

Dear Singleton...Part 2

SWOT yourself. Estimated reading time: 3 minutes Earlier this week on my way home from work, I came across a news article on about making a personal SWOT analysis. I was so glad to see that article because it reminded me of an advice my father had given me many years ago. This was after I had completed my bachelor's degree and yet felt stuck in figuring out my career when I should have been feeling prepared for the future I 'studied' for. I'm in the process of making a point here so please stick with me till the end. Today Rather than talking about lessons from romantic relationships, I am going to be talking about something which relates to us as individuals - personal development. I am writing this post for the present and future me to read and remember. I am not sure how many of you will be able to relate to the truths I will uncover in this post, but if you do, please let me know your thoughts in the comments section below. I am still trying to rid mysel...

Dear Singleton...Part 1

Don't compromise. Estimated reading time: 3 minutes As I sit here in my usual writing spot, I am happy that I have FINALLY been able to put "pen to paper" to write this blog. It's been on my mind for so long and damn if only I had written this when inspiration was at it's peak, it would have been a really good blog post. But regardless, here we are 3 weeks after, finally doing this, so let's go! As you may have noticed, I always begin my blog post with a quote. This one here is secretly my favourite Bible quote but I always say I don't really have one when asked that question. Daughters of Jerusalem [Replace that with S isters, friends, girlfriends ], I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires. Song of Solomon 8:4 Precisely 28 days ago, I was flattered by the thought that I might have met know...for a potential romantic relationship. But as life will have it, time always tells. ...

How Not to Travel

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes I am certainly not a "pro" at travel. With my country count in their 30s, some of you are certainly more experienced than I am. But as someone who likes to learn from my mistakes and share, I write this blog post to show you how to avoid making the mistakes I made. Before I continue, feel free to connect with me on social media, my IG handles are @ intraordinarytravels @ thisisintraordinary  @ theintraordinaryshop and on pinterest . Or you can simply subscribe to my travel channel. Now I'm ready to begin. I took a 3 day weekend trip to Nice, France in the last week of March. It was a good break but I will consider it one of my least successful trips. Why? Because I think I wasted a lot of time and used more money than I could have. Watch the Nice/Cote d'azur vlog below. Behind the scenes of making of this vlog, I deleted a lot of photos and video footage of this trip so I've had to manage with what I had left to put this togethe...

Poem: A talking pen

Estimated reading time: 1 minute. Pens do not talk, A statement I sometimes make to hush the sounds of noisy students. In the classroom, I crave silence While my mind roars and whooshes, like waves hitting the shores of a rocky beach. It's not quiet here - It hardly is. My life looks like a blank canvas, Hardly visible, and I do not desire to put it on display either. Sometimes I do share; but only once in a blue moon; When the yellow sun comes out, I chase sunsets on trips of Intraordinary Travels. But while my life is very quiet, My mind isn't. That's why I need a talking pen, To write all the things I'd like to say. To paint the finer details of this sketch called life To discern the dead notes of life's song which might not be dead, but perhaps dull. Or maybe not dull, but perhaps hidden, A good musician once said 'emancipate yourself from mental slavery' And this talking pen; my pen, is my blog. I may go back and forth with questions of life and faith, ...

Start the new year with the right mindset

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes It’s another Monday and you just don’t feel it. You don’t feel inspired, motivated or even feel a little bit yourself. Put simply, you’re not okay and last year’s experience seems to have carried over into the new year. So much for new year, new you ... I have felt that way for the past few weeks so I’ve been taking it one day at a time. I have had to scrap a daily to-do list for a weekly target; just because I just couldn’t get things done. But the good thing is, I have been down this road before, so I took a cue from my book of experience. In those times when it felt like I was not making progress, I realised that the only person who could get me out of that ditch was God and then me. My faith playing a huge part in leading my recovery. I had to go asking for inspiration, then seeking it out through books, blog articles, my holy book (the Bible) and funny enough... conversations with people I hardly spoke with.  This new year I realised that I co...