Daily Inspiration

Let's begin this theme with something upbeat. I'm not quite sure if I wrote a post about my resolutions for this year, but one of my resolutions was to remain positive about everything throughout the year. It's the 4th month and I feel like I have lost some of the positive momentum I started the year with.

Like me you might be in a similar situation, and the promises you made to yourself seem to have faded away. It's very normal and it's life being what it is; ups and downs.
I want to share an experience with you I had not too long ago, it illustrates the concept of life and new life.

Look at this picture below, and think of words, feelings and memories it brings to mind.

! Sorry it's rather a nude photo but I am trying to explain something here.

A close family friend of mine recently had babies (Yes, Twins - a boy and girl!). Mum returned home with some pictures and videos of C-section operation and I was intrigued by one particular aspect of the delivery. As the doctors and surgeons, slowly and carefully lifted out each baby from the mother's womb, I felt feelings of happiness and joy. In my heart and mind all I could feel was this sense of innocence, love and freshness. The delivery of these twins brought to mind a sense of new life.
The babies had come into a messy world but the impact they had on the doctors, nurses, midwives and most especially the mother was joy and gratitude, and an overwhelming sense of love and probably a sense of humility as the mother would be counting herself as the luckiest woman in the world to be so blessed.

I felt that too and I felt that I had to take care of my lovely niece and nephew to the best of my ability, and give them all the love and care to stay as innocent and fresh as possible.

Like all new-born babies, sometimes we have thoughts of starting all over again - Right?
Correct me if I'm wrong.
We see that our life has become difficult, complicated and has a lot of clutter (JUNK. If I dare say so). We just want to start all over again. As the days and years go by, we subconsciously compile a list of what we can do better and what we will do if we had the chance to start over again.

This brings to mind, an event recorded in the Bible between Jesus Christ and a Pharisee (let's simply say a devote Jew for this instance). He had witnessed Jesus speaking about God, believing in Him (Jesus) and new life through Him. Jesus answered to a question he posed, saying
"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born againb he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3:3
Read the full account here

In simple reference, being Born-again is believing in Jesus Christ and confessing Him as your Lord and Saviour. I wish I can illustrate this further, but I have a post all about God and Jesus, click here.

As I mentioned earlier, we have the chance to start something, life all over again. The power to do so, lies in a New Day. 

Have you ever realised the beauty of a new day dawning?

The sun setting, fresh dew and the slow passing of time. A new day dawns slowly, it carries fresh dew, the sound and smell of nature waking up and somehow, the previous day does not feel relevant anymore.

To conclude, I would like you to take this approach to life, whatever regrets, problems and slimy mess you find yourself in, see this moment in today, as your start, Your New Day beginning at this minute. Imagine that you had been asleep all this while and you had just woken up -

This is your 12am!

And when the clock strikes midnight at the end of the day, you have another chance to start all over again the next day. Don't live in the mess of your past, it's past and all things went past with it.

I love this Bible verse!

Remember my suffering and my [aimless] wandering, the wormwood and poison.

My soul continues to remember [these things] and is so discouraged.
"The reason I can [still] find hope is that I keep this one thing in mind:
the LORD's mercy. We were not completely wiped out. His compassion is never limited.
It is new every morning. His faithfulness is great.
Lamentations 3:19-23 (The Bible, GWT version)

It totally summarises the power of a fresh start to life everyday. If you have been touched by this post, share it.

If you would like to know The One True God (Yahweh), check out this post and get in contact.

Thank you so much for reading today. I hope you have been inspired. Don't forget to suscribe.

Till next time, 
Happy living!

Claudy xoxo

New baby taken from http://cgblocks.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/new-born-baby001.jpg


  1. Yes!!! just what I needed !!! October 4th is my new beginning, a new life in Christ, in my relationships and all other aspects of life. God bless you Claudy!

  2. 2023. 8 years of Intraordinary Life!


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