Don't let that come out of your mouth (Things never to say and do)
This topic covers the power of our words and the need for positive confessions. If you are accustomed to saying negative things due to frustation, remember that your words have the potential to lock you into a life of frustation.
At the end of this article (Yes, click me), we learn not ever to say "I will never ... It is impossible ... I am useless".
Let's begin the picture summary
A quote by Robin Sharma
Wow...and I just discovered this quote in the Bible by James (aka St. James to some)
" For all of us make many mistakes. If someone does not make any mistakes
when he speaks, he is perfect and able to control his whole body." James 3:2 (ISV translation)
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Quote from THE BIBLE
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As promised, here it eureka moment finally comes into manifestation. In my last post, I was trying to explain the roots of the name for the blog 'Intraordinary', which is basically made up of the words 'introvert/introversion' and 'extraordinary'. It was purposely coined as the name for this blog to represent the amazing ways of an introvert. If you are an introvert, you would understand what I refer to (hopefully). From my conversations in the past few days, I have come to understand that there might be certain aspects of introversion that 'stand-out' the most. It's the shyness or quietness part that was attributed to introversion. I really don't want to start going into detail about the subject as I have noticed I am already ... straying .... off ... course ... I will try to put together so...
Hello Dear Reader, In celebration of Intraordinary Life's 5 year anniversary. I am having a giveaway! See the image below on what the different prizes are. You must only compete for one prize. If you decide to post a comment or review and answer the question for prize 2, you will only be getting one prize. Here are the prizes 1st prize: An Intraordinary tote and a Date with Me. 2nd prize: Two souvenirs 3rd prize: A souvenir l advise that you check out this post for the themes I write about on Intraordinary especially for Prize 1. For prize 2 and 3, it is simply a matter of browsing the blog. So get browsing! Very important information, please don't forget to add your Name especially when you comment. Don't forget to follow my new page Intraordinary Travels on Instagram and Facebook! I have very recently launched Intraordinary Travels, a Travel Supplement for this blog to specifically offer travel tips and advice for everyone but especially for those who want to travel mor...
My birthday is coming up soon. And for me I often see birthdays as an opportunity to reflect, review and set some new goals. Basically birthdays are like my version of New Year's resolutions. Very soon (next year) I will be turning the big 30, And I still have a lot of things I want to accomplish, to tighten up and to break down ... especially insecurities. As you read my list, you'll notice that these are mostly mental habits or personal behaviours as opposed to physical habits. I was going to make a list of 30 things but I realised that would take too much time to read and would even take too much time to write in the first place. Here are a list of 10 things I would like to apply in my life on a daily basis (or as frequently as possible) by age 30 and beyond. 1. Read . I am a very slow reader. I mean 🐌 kind of slow. This makes me not enjoy reading so much. In fact, I think I can only usually manage reading for 20 minutes, afterwards I lose interest and switch on YouTube. S...
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