5 lessons I am learning about money

Since last year when I began reading Rich dad, Poor dad in a book club, I have become awakened to aspects of my life I can do more to thrive in. I have always wanted to do more with my life. And by writing on this blog and running a career-motivation platform, I thought I was doing pretty well.

But lessons from Rich dad, Poor dad and a recent book I am reading titled '5 wealth secrets' have taught me more. Here are 5 lessons I have learned. And they are all related to money.

1. Give

I give to God through my tithes (10% of my income) and freewill offering; which is a donation I make to a church or Christian establishment. 

This year, I learnt that apart from giving to God in the way of my Christian service, when I give to charity, I am also engaging in a Christian service.

To be kind to a poor person is the same as to give money to the Lord. He will give it back to you.

Proverbs 19:17 EASY https://bible.com/bible/2079/pro.19.17.EASY

2. Save

I used to save for the sake of just saving so that my money will not go to waste. But also because I knew I would need money when I don't have it.

Through both books, I have learned that I must save for a purpose. Be it a car, a holiday or business.

3. Spend

Some bills do not need my permission to withdraw out of my money our but for the remainder of my income, I get to decide how I spend. I have always been a careful spender but for most as times have been tough lately we can tend to lose our grip on our finances.

I gained some very helpful advice about me and spending. To find out, I invite you to ...

Tune in next month to a podcast I will be hosting with financial advisor Insure with Caleb. Date will be announced soon.

He'll talk more on the 5 things to know about money.

Till next time,

Happy Living!




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