Quiet times

What to do with your quiet times?

So I was sitting here shortly after logging out from work and I suddenly realised how quiet it was around me. TV off, windows virtually closed because the flies keep coming in to disturb my peace with their buzzing sound.

The idea that came to me to break the silence was to turn on the TV or listen to some music. But I had the edge to do more than that. To do something useful with my time rather than drown out the quietness with some background noise or calling your friend to gossip. I remembered that I could visit the French lessons I had started 4 months ago, or practice some songs on my guitar so that I could do another lockdown jam session. You'll like that wouldn't you 😃?? (surprise below) Or read any of those books I started all the way from last year, two months ago and the book I ought to start reading for the Rich Dad Poor Dad book club (Sign up here). Better still, it would be great to spend time with God and enjoy moments of devotion.

There were so many ideas of what I could do. Actual useful things I could do with my time instead of trying to drown out the quietness of the moment. 

So that's a lesson for you and I. Stop trying to make noise happen when you could actually be doing something worthwhile with your time. 

The next time, it feels quiet and a little lonely. Go back to what you haven't finished and put in sometime to get it done.

Till next time,

Happy Living 

Claudy xoxo

Enjoy 😁😅


  1. You know, I wasn't going to reach for my headphones today, until I did. Grateful for that. I can imagine that moment when people are sitting around and listening patiently in silence until that very last guitar string vibrated. Thank you for good vibes!


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