Be neighbourly
I need to stop feeling guilty for taking the time out to write this blog post, after all I told myself yesterday that I would spend some time on my blog today! So here it is...
Today I want to talk about being neighbourly...not to the people you live in close proximity to, but to everyone you might have encountered in your life, or at least those alive and present in your life at the moment.
At the start of the pandemic, I quite remember a segment of the news which showed neighbours sitting outside their homes in their front yards having a conversation with a mug of tea/coffee in their hands. The news reporter said something like .... 'During these difficult times, neighbours have realised they need each other to get through these difficult times'.
Today, I would argue that scene will look very different across various parts of the UK, at least in the major cities like London. I worry that people will go back to meeting up with friends, going shopping and will forget about the time spent checking in with neighbours, old friends, loved ones far and near just because their lifestyles are beginning to look as normal as before.
Don't get me wrong. This is good. I am elated that we might be able to have a 'normal summer' as the news headlines say. A lockdown summer would be incredibly depressing and not forgetting 'outrageous' since we've been in it since December 2020!
Growing up in Africa, I had neighbours and we were able to at least greet each other when we met outside. Be it a good morning, good afternoon, good evening or a smile, a quick wave or salute if there wasn't enough time.
Over here in the UK, I have mostly or entirely had no sort of meaningful exchange with my neighbours. Not the ones I lived next door to in my parental home, neither the ones I lived next door to at my 3 university homes, nor the ones I lived with when I moved into the estate flat with my sister, and the ones we currently live above and below at our new flat.
I am not sure if all my readers in the UK will agree with me on this one but the relationships with neighbours here are not very amicable. We have accepted it as the norm and live with it but it's an incredibly uncomfortable situation for me. I know I am an introvert so by accepted standards, we are known to keep to ourselves but we still value relationships; big or small.
Furthermore, the nature of neighbourly relationships I have encountered during the lockdown have been rather 'hostile' (I apologise for using such a strong word but it's true). When I say neighbourly...I don't mean my actual neighbors. I already told you in the beginning there is no neighbourliness among us. If neighbourliness is actually a word
It's the people I would consider a part of my circle who have been rather quiet. Sometimes responding to text messages but never really sustaining the conversation. I have spoken to a few people who have lost contact with their neighbours. Some don't hear from people unless they call them. Or else they are left to face their days keeping to themselves. I wonder how people without family or friends cope with life and now I know exactly how they feel.
So here is my appeal...
I know most of us are busy working from home or actually going into work, but spare a moment out of your day to check in on someone. It can be a quick phone call, a message or a voice note. No one deserves to experience life alone...especially during a pandemic! Let's do our best to reach out to our neighbors (friends, acquaintances and loved ones).
To end this post, I would like to inform you that I am starting a new club called The Neighbours Club. This club is ideally for people living with loneliness to meet virtually and eventually physically and take part in various fun activities. We will enjoy picnics and barbecues, movies nights and much more beginning with some fun virtual activities.
If you are interested, do sign up on the official page
I know that there are many people who have been living with loneliness for many years and so this group does not have an age limit per se, but members will need to be aged 18 and above. If you are below 18 and really think this is something you would like to be a part of, you may contact us via sending a message via our page.
It's been a difficult but honest write-up and I hope that we all do our best to reach out to others during these difficult times. I hope you like, share and comment on this post. Please share this with your neighbours in encouraging them to reach out too.
Till next time,
Happy living!
Claudy xoxo
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