🌏 Travel Feature: Solo Travel, 5 reasons why you haven’t done it... yet.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Solo travel does not need a dictionary definition, it is simply what it looks to mean. Solo - by oneself; Travel - going on a journey. Therefore, solo travel is simply, going on a journey by oneself. And these days, it has become so popular. No longer are people feeling scared to travel through countries or a continent (even sometimes around the world) by themselves, they are embracing exploring the world alone. I have been on a few solo trips myself; mostly to European countries but I want to do more outside of the European zone. Watch out for a post My travel bucket list in the near future.

Why Solo Travel?

I’m a solo traveller by nature and by opportunity. By nature because I am an introvert so I usually want to have time alone to myself. By opportunity because I have more time on my hands than most. The opportunity factor wasn’t always the case, I had to make a conscious decision to travel occasionally and took advantage of such times when I felt I could.

And you can solo travel too. Once you get over fears, assumptions or obstacles, you will be able to take the leap of faith. I hope that by the end of this post, I challenge a few of you to begin to take steps to embark on your first solo trip; if you haven't done so already. But you must be well prepared and informed about your destination.

I have noticed a few authors do this. They try to communicate with you (in writing of-course) as if they know you or what goes on in your head. So here I go, I’m about to do that thing where I try to get into your heads and your life. I beg your pardon as I proceed.

So let’s begin.

Here are 5 reasons why you haven't Solo travelled yet.

1. You would rather travel with company

You don't like the idea of travelling by yourself because you think travelling is best experienced with others. Fair enough, you like to be surrounded by others. But what happens when you want to go somewhere that no one else wants to go to? That's where Solo travel comes in. I just want you to know that solo travel is possible. 
Fear, may be another reason why you prefer to travel with others. There is certainly safety in numbers, as you all look out for each other. You will be safe on your own too, if you follow the advice of experienced travellers or locals who know the place and what to watch out for. You might also be scared of getting lost. Why don't you book to be part of an organised trip? Or prepare well in advance; get your maps, get some good internet connectivity (you might have to get a local SIM) or pay for a tour guide if you can afford it.
Being alone with no one to talk to? Then make some new friends. Be careful of being too friendly though. Watch over your personal items and information! Don't let people into your room. One night-stands is a NO-NO for me.

2. You do not have the time

I know that balancing work, social and personal life is a challenge.  Perhaps you work upto 2/3 of a 24 hour day and haven't got much time to spare. You should definitely not be labouring in vain. Use your holiday periods to actually go somewhere where you can get away. Don't go back home all the time, you end up getting more stressed than you were before. If you don't want to take days off, then the starting point is...Take some days off already!! The body needs rest.

3. You do not have the financial means

I totally understand that for some of us, money is a problem, unlike Ghanaian rap artiste Sarkodie who says that for him "Money no be problem!". Listen, travel does not have to be expensive. I once bought return coach tickets to Belgium for £35. If I used hostel accommodation I'm sure I could have booked a bed from £18 a night. So you can travel within Europe for £100 or less. For my readers outside of Europe, I am sure you can make a trip to a neighbouring country for what you consider to be a £100 equivalent. It all comes down to advance planning and sticking to a sensible budget. If you are looking to travel, get saving asap, put as little as £10 in the piggy bank every month.

4. You don’t think you are the 'organised' type

This also links with the first point about having company. When you go with a friend(s), there is always someone in the group who will take the pains of organising, researching and keeping things in order. That's where advance planning comes in. As soon as you decide on the destination of our trip, start leisurely looking at flight ticket costs, public transport information, places of interest, some language lessons etc. I said leisurely, because you wouldn't want to get overwhelmed with lots of information. By just looking, you can trick your mind into getting into 'Explore πŸ’­' mode and take in the information easily - You might discover another place you would like to visit.
Then once you have the information and money, book it. Don't forget to compare prices, websites such as TripAdvisor, Booking.com and Expedia have become my go-to sites.

5. You think you are too “mature" for adventures

I am sorry, age is a touchy subject but you are never too old for adventuring. I for one, intend to travel through to my 80s, Thank you very much. As the saying goes, 'You are only as young as you feel'. So I encourage you to feel like a young lady or gentleman again, exploring what is outside your doorstep. 
Family commitments - sighhhhhhhh! I have started to use this phrase..."well I am young and unmarried so I am going to make the best of my time". I have even come to admit that once I start having kids, I might have to slow things down on the travel end. I did say slow things down, not stop it. Having a family and work, rent/mortgage and other commitments will most likely mean that money and time is more scarce. But I will continue to put my time and monies into the piggy bank. You should too! I am currently looking for a travel family blog/vlog to follow. If you have any suggestions, please put them in the comments section below.

To conclude, here are the 5 possible reasons, I was able to decipher on the subject matter. I'm not an expert but I hope that my few nuggets of advice does help you.

What other reasons do you or have you had for not taking that trip alone? Let me know in the comments section below.

Till next time,

Happy living!


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