
Showing posts from April, 2016

Watch Your Mouth!

Don't let that come out of your mouth (Things never to say and do) This topic covers the power of our words and the need for positive confessions. If you are accustomed to saying negative things due to frustation, remember that your words have the potential to lock you into a life of frustation. At the end of this article (Yes, click me ), we learn not ever to say "I will never ... It is impossible ... I am useless".  Let's begin the picture summary A quote by Robin Sharma Wow...and I just discovered this quote in the Bible by James (aka St. James to some) " For all of us make many mistakes. If someone does not make any mistakes when he speaks, he is perfect and able to control his whole body." James 3:2 (ISV translation) Sources Image 1: Image 2: Image 3: http://inspir...


Welcome to the New Theme on 'Lessons from Life' I will be keeping the actual articles separate but will post images to summarise the lessons of each post. For the full post on this topic, click here . Otherwise, the images pretty much summarise what was discussed. Feel free to use them as  screensavers, wallpaper images and most of all, they are words of encouragements for you to remember and recite to yourself. All credit go to the authors of these poems and quotes and the graphic designers who decided to turn them into attractive images. From the Bible, King Solomon writes; "There is hope only for the living. As they say, "It's better to be a live dog than a dead lion!" Lamentations 3:4 (NIV translation) A famous quote with a different twist, written by Bryant McGill Another twist on the famous quote, 'As long as there is life, there is hope' by And another ... by Dean Kootz            ...

New Theme: Lessons from Life

Hello lovely readers, I sincerely apologise for my absence from the blog for a long while. There were so many things I was contemplating including stopping this blog but while I struggled with this dilemna, the ideas kept coming and after some deep thinking as well as words of encouragement from a friend and reader I have decided to keep this going. Having said that, I am excited to present to you, the latest theme I have named - "Lessons from Life". As usual, I write these based on my life experiences and I hope that you are able to get some perspectives on my life as well as identify some areas in your life that might need some adjustments. 'Lessons from Life' features some of my personal life experiences, filled with deep regrets, turns to hope and learning and deciding to keep the faith as long as a new day dawns. Essentially, at the end of every blog post I conclude that each new day offers the reality (not just a chance) for us to start all over again. Forget...