The Truth about Goal-setting
Before I continue typing and I loose my train of thought, HAPPY NEW YEAR! The 2020 we worried through is now just a (short) distant memory. We begin a new 2021 with some expectations and hopes of a good year. To be honest, I was not going to write a post about goal-setting since I don't really have any hard goals. I.e the ones written on paper. But I had a thought which I thought is worth sharing so here it goes.
I ended the last year in silence, a lot going on but nothing much to say to the world. My silence lead to me deleting Whatsapp and staying off social media. To be honest, I am doing fine without and with little of it but that's just me.
But hey, let's talk about goal-setting.
As the quote above says, no it's not about the goals, it's about being consistent with them. Life after all is a journey as they say. So why stop trying.
Let me illustrate with an example, one of the goals I literally just thought about working on is Consistency. My lack of consistency is why the last blog post was in August. Yes life happened but it's no excuse, I should have found a reason to speak up. So consistency for me right now I believe is harder than saying I will save £2000 by the end of the year. Seriously.
That's probably why I feel reluctant to write it down. But it's a good goal. Which is not yet a set Goal until I make it SMART.
Specific - in which areas do I want to be consistent?
Measurable - how will I know I am being consistent? Is there a deadline to being consistent?
Acheivable - it is beyond my control or reach?
Realistic - is this the best idea or 'goal' I could come up with?
Time-bound - once again, is there a deadline to this 'consistency'? Enough questioning, I've set this goal for this week. Now I am time-bound to achieve this goal in the area(s) of '.....' by the end of the week.
Setting SMART goals helps us to be accountable to ourselves, to others and be less passive in the way that we live life. If you have noticed that you are getting a bit lazy, lazying about at home. It's time to set some SMART goals and targets. Take the bull by the horns.
I will even go as far as to say, forget about the New Year's Resolution and set yourself some serious daily, weekly and monthly SMART goals. Let's replace #goals with #SMARTdaily #SMARTweekly #SMARTmonthly
Thank you for reading.
Till next time,
Happy Living!
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