#Relationshipgoals has become one of the most popular hashtags on social media. With beautiful images of ‘couples’ posed, styled alike, gazing into each other’s eyes or an image with the female resting on her lover’s bosom. Sometimes it’s an image of the couple standing in front of a backdrop of natural scenery or some famous monument in France or Italy. It seems that the world is obsessed with the romantic kind of love. But that’s not the only type of relationship goals that matters these days, there’s also #familygoals #bromance #friendshipgoals #squadgoals and - did I miss anything? Well if there is, that’s all I can remember for now. But what about the other relationships which don’t have any goals attached to them. I say this with an image of the work colleague who is known to be the nice one who doesn’t get invited to lunch with the rest of the crew. That person is too diligent in his/her role and is too busy doing the job well that we can’t relate with them. But when w...