Being Happy

Hello! It's been a while since I last posted and as it's the Last month of 2015, I say; ...

Christmas is special indeed for great many reasons, this year as the day began drawing near, I went through a time of reflection. It seems like my mind rushed past Christmas and straight into the new year. I haven't stopped thinking about what 2016 has to offer or what I will like to bring to the year as well.
Basically, this blog post is mostly about New Year's Resolutions and life in general. Do sit tight, this is bound to be interesting.

If there is any lesson I learn every year around this time of year, it's that I do too much hoping and wishing. It's always a good thing to 'ask' for good things and to believe that you will get what you desire, I don't condone that at all. To be frank, I don't give myself enough time to accomplish those things or the things I would like to have maybe impossible.

Reading some of my past new year's resolutions, it's almost as if what I was really asking for is essentially 'to be perfect'. Whether, they are resolutions based on physical appearances, emotional or spiritual wellbeing I may have missed some essential points. I am hard on myself and want to get everything right but I often fall short on the first try and then give up. This makes me feel unhappy for the rest of the year and before June, I would have already given up and lost hope.

Pre-Christmas season is a good time to reflect on what went wrong, the good things that happenned and the 'revelations' (new things discovered) in the year. Think hard on what you truly want and prioritise them. This coming year I have decided to stay away from the numbers, e.g Lose 4 kilos, Eat fish twice a week, etc. They are too heavy on my mind and my pocket.

Some new and old things discovered were based on my character or best described my outlook on life. If your goals/resolutions are especially emotionally-based, please give yourself TIME.
Emotions are as powerful as the ocean; deep, wide, gentle and strong at different points in time. When your emotions change for the worse, ask yourself why you feel that way.

At the end of the day, no matter your NYRs/goals, everyone's main objective is that fulfillment of the goal will bring Happiness. I'm sorry, I don't have some practical tips to set you off for the New Year - I'm still trying to find out how to strategize mine. I hope to make another post with further information.

In the meantime, do give the new year some thought; if you are perfectly content with life, good for You - Keep it up! I'll be posting again soon, thank you for reading today

Keep Living!

Claudy xoxo


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