Hello from Intraordinary life

You are most welcome! 

I dedicate this blog to all my fellow introverts, those who are perfectly content with life or still label themselves as 'weirdos'. It has been such a struggle to start up something like this; mainly because I don't think I have a great deal or even a considerable amount of friends or followers. However, I thought of Us, and the constant battle we face - trying to figure why we are so different. Perhaps, a bit lonely or sad because we think people don't like us. All the various reasons why quiet Introverts feel like weirdos.

The second reason is also to build Us up (myself included), to find out who we really are, make a few adjustments if need be, encourage and support each other and live out the life we were destined to live. If you are like me, you put off being yourself because you feel you have not been accepted, take a long holiday or at the extreme, thought of ending it all. Let's try to make the most of the life we have, we are alive and must feel alive both on the inside and out. 

And the last and most important reason, to accept our current situation in life...not waiting for something to happen before we become content or feel happier. I heard the term "Happiness is a choice" and I never really agreed with it or accepted it. But Its changed now, I would choose to be happy, because I am the only person who understands me, my strengths and weaknesses. People can look at the outside, some may withdraw, some criticise or laugh but I would love most of all, to be happy for myself because afterall it's my life.

Being an Introvert does not make me shy, awkward, self-consumed, anti-social, unloving, uncaring or weird. I am an Introvert, We are Introverts, we are not strange, We are normal. As normal as the people we think are normal. We have a lot yet to offer the world; Yes - from Within Us

We are Extraordinary (see notes below) Introverts!

Thank you for visiting. If you have any thoughts/comments or topics you would like to be discussed. Please send an email or write your comments below. There is a contact form on the right side of the page, please Holla! I would really appreciate your thoughts, comments and contributions. I am Super-Excited to start this journey with you :)

Call me "Claudy" 

P.S: I don't mean to generalize all introverts as weird or having strange personalities. By this  introversion, I am referring to people who feel inadequate with some aspect of themselves but keep it hidden from others and tend to ponder on these issues very often. However, introverts do have the reputation of being a little too isolated. You can send me your thoughts on what term would be appropriate to use.  Hope I made this clear enough? Much love X


One definition for extraordinary is given as "very unusual or remarkable" (oxforddictionaries.com)

P.S: Just got an inspiration for another post, come back in a few days ;) Hehe


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