Making careful decisions
Hello reader, I hope this finds you safe and well wherever you are reading this from. Today I decided to write something different and also quite difficult. Difficult because it is the kind of subject that you are likely to read a whole book about, so compressing those tons of information into a 3 minute blog post is a challenge. Here it goes. Have you ever sat down and thought about your life and certain decisions you have taken? I know you have. We all have. Whether decisions end up leading to a good or bad outcome, it affects our lives one way or another. In a recent post about Facing my regrets I spoke about the decisions and choices I made over the years which I am not proud of because I veered off my dream. In most of those cases, the decision I made was essentially to give up and try something else. My life has worked out alright but that's because between then and now, I have been able to make some careful decisions and steps. Here are a few things to consider in making c...