14/01/2019It's the night before the day which marks the start of a new term for me and I am getting ready for it. (Those of you who know what I do now will understand why I used the word 'term' and how it relates to me getting ready in the first place).As I pack my books, pens, pencils, highlighters and random sheets of paper, I remember that I often forget to pack something relaxing for the journey to work.Ever since the end of last term, I decided that I needed to include into my day something that takes my mind of the routine of planning, preparation and evaluation and the periods of stress in-between these stages.I had been planning to read a storybook (fact or fiction) or a motivational book outside of academic books and textbooks since the winter break and always seemed to forget to pack one. But this time I was determined.As I rummaged through the books beside my bed, I found a book by Myles Munroe which I have been reading for a while now. I have never completed or seriously dedicated the time to complete reading it. It was a book titled 'Releasing Your Potential'; truly outstanding...right from the start. Anytime I attempted to continue reading it, I will always start from the beginning again because I wouldn't really have gone far with my reading anyway.
It is ironic though. Because I believe that is what potential is like. There is so much still to be discovered but you only see the tip of what is in you. And the more you keep putting off doing what you have to do, the less you are able to accomplish and grow.
"Unreleased potential is like starting to read a (really) good book over and over again...you never get to the good part and you forget what you are about in the first place. Just like the book your wonderful life story ends up collecting dust where it was last left off".
So the long and short lesson for today is to keep focused, invest discovering who you are and to not waste opportunities because you might end up starting all over again.
Till next time!
Happy Living
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