Finish It!
The end of something is better than its beginning. It is better to be patient than arrogant. Ecclesiastes 7:8 (The Bible) When it first had the buttterflies . The nervous excitement from the good news you received or the new chapter you had begun. You simply couldn't suppress the joy and excitement you felt and you wanted the feeling to last forever. But as time went on, the fire in your heart begun to grow cold; you lost the joy, passion and the zeal to keep it going. We have all been there...experienced the great feeling of a fresh start to something new. You begin a new job, a new relationship, a new friendship, get a new idea, a new school or college, you are newly wed. They call it the honeymoon phase and it's the time when everything feels good and just perfect. But over time, life gets difficult, obstacles come our way and takes away the joy and excitement we once felt. We have all experienced it. As time goes on, the job is lost, the relationship ends...