Poem (unedited)
Explanation of poem The inspiration for my latest poem came from a few things that came to mind before bed (I was literally trying to sleep but couldn't ... 10 minutes after, this was the result) Anyway...back to explaining. The thought process behind this poem is me trying to express how I can be so strong sometimes and so weak other times. My strong moments are filled with hope, confidence, energy, optimism and momentum to...a willing to explore life a bit more. Prior to this, I would have experienced some difficult times where I feel down, full of fear and a feeling of - "where exactly am I heading?!" In my high moments, life feels good, i know I have made mistakes but I try to put them behind me and I dare to dream big. My low moments are full of what-ifs, buts and could've beens ... and I do give my mind a beating sometimes In summary, deep thinking describes the high moments and shallow describes my low moments. Without further a do...I present ... my l...