Spoken Word: The Case for Christ

Our Father in Heaven

Our Lord, Our Master
Our Healer, Our king
Our Deliverer
Our Brother
Hallowed be thine Name 🙌
He who bore our sins and our inquities
In shame, in pain
In the anger of many, and yet remained...

Our Teacher, Our Counsellor
Our Comforter
Thank you for revealing us His truth
Although He carried upon Himself, our many sorrows
Cried out to Heaven in deep anguish
In silence, but visible through His blood, sweat and tears
You were there.
But you allowed it all to happen
So that the ancient records; probably torn, lost or even forgotten by now...
Will be accomplished

Images of His sufferings, flesh-stripping lashes and mockings
Play in my mind,
The vivid but clear shaky images of an old film strip 🎞
So that the words on this gadget I hold in my hand
Might bear witness
To this case -
The case for Christ

The glorified prophet
Though always mopped by crowds of crowds
Now stands alone, 
In front of him, an unbeliever.
Behind him,
His worse critics; self-pleasers - the holier than thou
In there somewhere, stands Peter, a changed man
Who can’t bring himself to utter that he knows Him

Pilate asks the same question
And you answer - “Thy kingdom comes, Your Will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven”
As you look upwards to Heaven
Feeling exceeding uncomfortable,
Nails plunged in the palms of your hands and in your feet

While I sit here, well postured in my room
Praying, “Give me this day, my daily bread
And forgive me for I have not held a grudge against my enemies”

Meanwhile far away in the place of skulls
Your enemies slap you, spit at you,
Call you all sorts of names
Prick your head with the crown of horns
You refuse to scream out “Father! Deliver me from the Evil one! ... Please!”
Although weakened in your flesh; as human as you are
You finally completed the Task He gave to You.
Suddenly you scream “It is Finished!”

Your witnesses gasp and step forward... ready to rejoice (although defeated)
It’s the end of your torture.
Just to put a stamp on it
They pierce you with a spear.
With the water and blood poured out from your side,
We have answers when we ask for Healing, Protection, Forgiveness and Freedom.
Exactly what I asked for today.
In unisome with you Jesus, the Resurrected One, as You appear next to me while I pray
We end together
“For Thine is the Kingdom, The Power and The Glory, Amen.”

This is the case of Jesus the Christ
Whose enemies are condemned to eternal sorrows, never to rejoice again.


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