Lord, Deliver me from HDS

HDS is a disease many of us suffer from. Whether we are aware of it or not. Human Dependency Syndrome attacks the best of us; celebrities, communities, nations and continents are under attack from this dreadful disease.

I'm not sure if this term formally exists (because I thought it out) but I feel it working in my life and it's doing exactly what it means to do; it makes me dependent on the responses of others in big and small decisions or actions for my life.

When making little decisions like, 'should I get up and dance to this song because I love it, leads you onto 'but no one is dancing and I need someone to dance with me', then ...

Or I am so sick and tired of this routine and need a relaxing holiday but 'who will come with me' is your next line of thought then ...

I want to start my own business but 'I can't do it on my own' ... Comes to mind

Does this sound familiar to you?

That's human dependency syndrome. I define it as wanting or expecting the approval of others for the choices and decisions you ought to make for yourself. I was a slave to it and until now, I didn't see it as a major problem until I realised that living a happier life depended on my ability to breathe freely, think for myself, believe and be audacious.

HDS makes one a slave to fear, a people pleaser, depressed and live below their expectations.

Forgive me for being frank and honest to the bone. It's not a nice feeling, posting every one in a while and keeping all the lessons I am learning from the unpleasant times to myself. I need to step up, forget what people will think of me and embark on this journey of self-discovery.

Step 1 happens to be courage

Step 10,000 remains courage

But before I make my first move and the mistake I always happen to make... Lord, deliver me from human dependency syndrome. I can do this with You ahead, beside and behind me.



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