Don't let that come out of your mouth!

Don't let that come out of your mouth! (Things not to say and do)

Following on from the last topic, we learnt that we can make a fresh start at any point in time, but we must leave the past in the past. From my own experience, I believe that what you say has more impact on your life in the long term than what you do.
Yes, I am reminded of the term, 'Actions speak louder than words' - but in some contexts, words do have more impact.

Let's look at certain instances, you might have a disagreement with a friend and say something that leaves a scar on the other person's heart. You could act terribly in a difficult, tense and argumentative situation but your words leave the biggest scars. You might leave your witnesses with thoughts like, "Is this what this person really thinks of me".

In situations where you are speaking to another person, always try to say positive things. There is this Bible verse that says;

Kind words are like honey--sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.

Proverbs 16:24 (NIV translation, THE BIBLE)

Watch your tongue and keep your mouth shut, and you will stay out of trouble.

Proverbs 21:23 (NIV translation, THE BIBLE)

In my own case, I have the tendency of saying, "I will never ... " after an effort or a decision to do something has seemingly failed. I will let you in on a little secret decision I made. One of them was to not put any more effort into chasing up friends or acquaintances. I made this decision because I felt that eventhough I try to keep in touch with them, I seemingly tend to be the first one to say hi. So this is one of the times I have said "Never again..."
The thing is relationships and love is never something to give up on. That is one thing I have learnt. The more I said this, the more I affirmed my decision in something that is impossible to live without.

But more importantly, I would like to encourage you to stay away from speaking 'declarations'. Declarations go something like this,

  • I never do anything right, i'm so useless
  • I will never have a great job like that
  • it is impossible for me to do something that perfect (Good and bad, sometimes)
  • Oh God, this is impossible

Have you made statements that sound similar to these? If you have, take a bold step and revoke all of this statements, Then start saying the opposite.

If you want to be honest, try doing it in a positive way, "I am struggling with this but I WILL MAKE IT".

Progressively, you must change your words to be completely positive, from; 'never again' to 'I am well-equipped to get that job, I am well-equipped to have the best in life'.

I leave you with these Bible verses;

The words you say will either acquit you or condemn you. (Matthew 12:37)

Wise words satisfy like a good meal; the right words bring satisfaction.
 (Proverbs 18:20)




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